You can integrate Web money in xpayment in following ways:
- Create a new payment method in x-payment
- On the General setting, Choose your Order status that you want to apply when the purchase is successful.
- On the integration tab, Select Integration Type “Redirect/Forward to Payment URL”
- Enter URL to redirect is:
- Select Method Type: POST
- On the Data(s) field, enter following JSON data and adjust your LMI_PAYEE_PURSE accordingly.
"LMI_PAYMENT_DESC" : "Payment to {storeName}",
"LMI_PAYMENT_NO" : "{orderId}",
"LMI_PAYMER_EMAIL": "{email}",
"LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT" : "{orderTotal}",
"LMI_SUCCESS_URL" : "{returnURL}",
"LMI_FAIL_URL": "{storeUrl}index.php?route=checkout/checkout",
7. On the Payment success condition field, enter the following condition:

8. Please download this ocmod and install it through the extension installer and refresh your ocmod list. This is needed as WebMoney does not return to the success page properly.