Xshippingpro supports following postal rules.
Rule 1: Numeric Postal Range
The range should be defined by a single hyphen (-). For example, 100-200 denotes postal codes 100 to 200. If you need multiple ranges, just separated them by comma(,). For example, 100-200,300-400.
Rule 2: Prefix-Range (Prefix hyphen range)
The prefix can be anything. The range should be like Rule 1 which means numerical postal range. Example: KW-10-15 represents KW10, KW11, KW12, KW13, KW14, and KW15
Rule 3: Prefix-Range-Suffix (Prefix hyphen Range hyphen suffix)
Prefix and suffix can be anything. The range should be like Rule 1 which means numerical postal range. Example: KW-10-15-EE denotes KW10EE, KW11EE, KW12EE, KW13EE, KW14EE, and KW15EE
Rule 4: Postal codes separated by a comma(,). For example, 1000, AE1111 etc.
Rule 5: Any valid regular expression encapsulated by forward slash i.e. / For example: /AB[0-9]{2}/
Finally, you can use any wild cards in the prefix, suffix and single postal code.
For example, PA2* denotes any postal code starting by PA2.
KW-1-5-* denotes KW122, KW2XX, KW5XY and so on.
Several rules can be mixed together separated by a comma. For example: 1200, AE-1-5-*,PA2*