Monthly Archives: September 2020

How to overwrite the default contact us form with a form created by xform?

You will have to do the following steps if you want to overwrite the default contact form with a form created by xform.

  • Please navigate to X-Form and click the Cog icon of the form you want to overwrite with.
  • Now navigates to the Integration tab. Tick the checkbox Enable For Layout Position
  • On the Custom CSS section, add the following CSS rules
#information-contact form.form-horizontal {
    display: none;
#information-contact h2 {
   display: none;
  • Click the Save and Continue button to store the changes.
  • Now navigate to Design -> Layout, Now edit Contact Layout. Finally, add the Form under the X-Form to the Content Bottom position.

That’s all.

How to sum the cost up of the two methods?

To sum up the cost of several methods, you can use the Grouping Option. Here are the steps to be followed:

  1. Go to X-Shippingpro -> Global setting -> Grouping, Now select a group e.g. Group1 to SUM

2. Now we have a group1 and we have to assign group method/member for this group.

3. To assign a method into a group, go to the general tab of a method, select the Group to Group1.

4. When X-Shippingpro finds several methods belongs to the same group during checkout,  X-Shippingpro takes the appropriate action and shows one method instead of showing them all.

For example, you have a `Method-1` and `Method-2` methods.  If customer want to purchase only from the `Method-2` or `Method-2`, group mode will not come into action. 

But when a customer wants to purchase from both `Method-1` and `Method-2`, it meets the group criteria and grouping will come into action. So shipping cost will be summed up and it displays the summed cost instead of showing separately.