Shipping cost based on per Unit weight

Hi, Cloud you please help me to resolve a confusion?

My store use 0.1 kg as the unit weight, the unit price for each 0.1 kg is about $0.7.

For instance:
7.33 kg Shipping cost = 73.3*$0.7 = $51.31.

How can I combine this options?


Thanks for your question.  For achieving your goal, please do followings.

  1. Under Price setting tab, select the Shipping by to Weight
  2.  Now Enter Unit Ranges as follows

Start    End       Cost        Per Unit Block       Allow Partial
0            1000       0.7             0.1                                 NO

2 thoughts on “Shipping cost based on per Unit weight

  1. Mike Young

    Hello Sir,

    How is your X-shipping pro set up dimensional weight shipping cost calculation?

    Every package has Length, width, height and gross weight data registered. How can get the greater value for using UPS and FedEx ground shipping calculation?

    Pleas advise. Thanks in advance!

  2. samir Post author

    How is your X-shipping pro set up dimensional weight shipping cost calculation?
    — Yes it does. You can calculate shipping cost based on dimensional weight

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